2018MAY01 - 115 Frankton Road

NZL OTA Queenstown 2018MAY01 115FranktonRoad 001  We located our   Air B&B   on the main drag into   Queenstown   and as we pulled up, I struck up a conversation with who we thought the cleaning lady. I opened with saying G'day, asking her how she was going and received “ fucking knackered ” as the reply - well ... that's a bit full frontal I thought to myself. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2018, 2018 - Kiwi Kruisin, Air B&B - 115 Frankton Road, Day, May, Month, New Zealand, Oceania, Otago, Queenstown, Tuesday, Year  NZL OTA Queenstown 2018MAY01 115FranktonRoad 002  Turns out " Pinky " is not only the actual owner of the place, but also has a   Harley trike  ,   Suzuki Hayabusa   and a   1929 Model A Ford   roadster hot rod in the adjacent shed, as well as owing the local   Bobs Weigh Cafe   - yup ..... we're going to get along like a house on fire. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2018, 2018 - Kiwi Kruisin, Air B&B - 115 Frankton Road, Day, May, Month, New Zealand, Oceania, Otago, Queenstown, Tuesday, Year  NZL OTA Queenstown 2018MAY01 115FranktonRoad 003  Couldn't have asked for a better spot to sit out on the back deck and take in what most of Queenstown have to give visually. : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2018, 2018 - Kiwi Kruisin, Air B&B - 115 Frankton Road, Day, May, Month, New Zealand, Oceania, Otago, Queenstown, Tuesday, Year  NZL OTA Queenstown 2018MAY01 115FranktonRoad 004 : - DATE, - PLACES, - TRIPS, 10's, 2018, 2018 - Kiwi Kruisin, Air B&B - 115 Frankton Road, Day, May, Month, New Zealand, Oceania, Otago, Queenstown, Tuesday, Year